The job you once loved, may now be the job you now want to leave. What once satisfied your needs, may not satisfied your needs anymore.
Are your constantly stressed about work? Do you feel like you don’t fit in? Are your needs not met? If so, you might be ready to move on.
What is it that motivates you to change or consider changing your job? For most people it will be a variety of reasons.
It may be the need for a new challenge after years of working at the same company, the inability to develop your skills, a desire for flexible working hours or you simply might want a bigger pay package.
For some they may not realise they’re unhappy with their job until someone points it out to them, or they realise that they spend way too much time being unhappy about their position.
Here are 10 signs that your job isn’t a good fit for you anymore:
- You’re miserable every morning
- You really dislike the people you work with/or your boss
- Your work-related stress is affecting your physical health
- You’re constantly stressed, negative, and/or unhappy at work
- You no longer have a work-life balance
- Your work performance is declining
- You’re bored and stagnating at your job
- You dread going to work
- Your duties have increased, but the pay hasn’t
- You lack passion
If any of these feelings apply to you, you should consider a change within your work life. Whatever the reason may be, with the right help you can find a job that suits all your wants and needs.
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