If you’re reading this, take a moment for yourself to truly assess, is it time to find a job that makes you fall in love with your job again?
There are some very obvious signs you’re not too happy in your current role, so if any of these apply to you. Talk to an Inspired Consultant who will help you hunt for a new job that will put a smile back on your face every day (YES!, these jobs do exist)
No Progression (and no sign of one)
This is a classic when it comes to a bad job: your Director/Manager turned down your raise or promotion because ‘you’re not good enough’ but still wants you to stay. In many cases you’ll end up sticking to it in the hope your time to shine will come, anxiously waiting for your next review to get a positive answer (which, of course, won’t come). Your management is leading you on. If you really weren’t doing a good job, someone else would have filled your position long ago. Some people will see a vulnerability in you and use it to avoid paying up. Take that setback as the perfect timing to go out there and find a killer job that is actually worthy of you.
Not Caring Anymore
The practice has just lost a sale. Who cares? Not you. If you don’t feel involved anymore, it is your queue to leave. This is especially true and obvious for people who started off on a high note, going the extra mile to reach the weekly target, doing everything you could to serve the company and please your manager. When managers don’t show you how much you mean to the company anymore, and your ideas are constantly shut down or ignored, you gradually stop caring. If you’ve stopped caring about what happens to the practice and don’t get excited when it gets wins (or protective when it’s in trouble), that doesn’t mean you’re a bad employee. It just means you’ve fallen out of love.
Feeling Stuck (‘but I won’t find anything else’)
You may be feeling stuck now and think there are only problems with no solutions, but that is because you are too sucked into the self-sabotaging, soul-destroying hole of a bad job. Get your head up and see the light. The world has countless opportunities waiting for you, but you need to be free to be able to seize them. Make the decision, build your plan, and go after it. No excuses
Practice Paranoia
Something’s not right when you constantly feel at risk of losing your job or be ridiculed when you suggest new ideas. You may even feel like colleagues stop talking when you enter the staff room. Who likes to have a target on their back.
Dreading Monday’s!
This is a very obvious sign you are not too happy with your job. Nobody likes getting up early on a Monday after enjoying those days of freedom, but it’s a much different scenario when your mood starts to sink every Sunday afternoon. Ask yourself the right questions: What exactly is bringing you down? What would make you feel better? Can you do anything about it?
Doubting Your Talents
We can all fall into the trap of self-criticism without it being a sign of burnout. But becoming your own bully, inevitably means something has snapped and you are no longer aligned with what you do for a living. It may be that a Director expressed criticism that directly connected with your inner critic, and, at the wrong job, this can be blown out of proportion quickly. If you end up with feelings of self-hatred, start calling yourself an idiot with no chance of succeeding, and feel your talents were all a lie, that means your qualities are not appreciated (often the result of bad managers who only tell you what you do wrong).
Your Dream Life Is Incompatible with Your Job
This is a big one. Be honest with yourself: what is your big dream? This image is your direction, guiding the future steps of your career. Sometimes a bad job can be a very useful step to reach your next position and you may have to endure a rough patch to climb up that ladder. But if you know deep down this isn’t even leading you towards where you want to go (not even close), don’t waste your time and go hunt for a job that will honour your dreams and help you reach your end goal.